Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Work for the Week of 2/23-2/27

Notes on Crusade Causes

H.W. Finish 25 Pairs of Review cards

Crusades Map Activity

H.W. Finish Crusades Map

Crusades Notes (Review)
Middle Ages Graphic Organizer
H.W. Study!!!!!

Magna Carta Activity & Tree Map
H.W. Study for Exam!
Test on Feudalism, Middle Ages, Plague, Crusades and the Magna Carta.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Design a coat of Arms which could be used on the battlefield to identify you.
  • include symbols that represent your family background, or other aspects of heritage.
  • Use symbols which reveal something about your identity.
  • click here for a list of common symbols used on sheilds: http://www.fleurdelis.com/meanings.htm

Due Friday @ the end of Class

Monday, February 2, 2009

Feudal Freedom Debates

Post your opinions below:

"Do you think that Feudal people made the right move in giving up freedoms for security? Would you be willing to give up your freedoms for security of the nation?"

Please respond or post at least twice. When Responding do not just state yes or no support your answer.

** Important**
Remember this is a scholarly debate, which means when responding you must be respectful to their opinions, this does not mean you have to agree with someone, feel free to voice your opinion but do so in a respectable way. Postings that are rude, or disrespectful may result in disciplinary actions. So please post responsibly.

Feudal Freedoms

Greetings fellow historians and welcome to the first open blogging assignment. This assignment is worth 25pts. and is Manditory. Here is what I want you to do.
1.Click the link below and then read the article, take notes if you must.
Click this link: http://library.thinkquest.org/10949/fief/medfeudal.html
2.I want you to respond in about 1 paragraph, to the following prompt.
"Do you think the Feudal System was it worth it?" in your paragraph be sure to pick one sentence (quote) that supports your position.
3. Then engage in the debate About Freedom and Security. (Post at least twice)

This needs to be completed by Friday 2/8/2009

Post your paragraphs as comments to this post, then post your debate in the posting titled Feudal Freedom Debates

Calendar 2/2-2/8

  • Chapter 9 L2 Packet
  • Make 4 Memory Cards
  • Homework: Packet Pg. 3 & 62 (Due Tuesday)


  • Notes Graphic organizer *use handout from Monday
  • Presentation on Life in the Middle Ages
  • Make 2 new Memory Cards
  • Homework: Pg. 15, 11-12 (Due Wednesday)/ Web Quest Due Friday


  • Legacies of Feudalism
  • Design a Coat-of-Arms
  • Homework: Pg. 4 #1&2


  • Finish Coat of Arms.
  • Review Games
  • Homework P.16, Study for Test


  • Web quest Response Due!!! Packet Due!!!!
  • Feudalism Test
  • Put Finishing Touches on Coat of Arms
  • the rest TBA